Halo Atlas
Situation & challenge
When: 2011
Company: Microsoft’s 343 Industries
My role: Sole in-house UI designer
Create a companion device experience to provide real-time information and tactical guidance for multiplayer gameplay. Essentially, while a user played Halo: Reach, they or a friend could watch the game in a top-down strategic view on a phone or tablet; teammates, weapons, ammo, vehicles, and health packs were strategically highlighted. The launch of Atlas coincided with the launch of Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary. As the first of its kind, we were trailblazing.
- Create, curate, and approve map imagery for both Atlas and print production
- Coordinate with the lead Program Manager and Services team
- Validate accuracy of every map in-game
- Created satellite map images by stitching together accurate high definition screenshots, due to game engine limitations.
- Collaborated with the external partner, Brady Games, who created illustrated maps for every map in Halo: Reach and Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary.
- Quality controlled every map in-game, leveraging my extensive gameplay knowledge including the hidden perches and passageways. Ensuring that the final maps were properly aligned with the in-game coordinates. This was extremely challenging when validating the accuracy of both the satellite and illustrated maps.
- What went well
- The app was well received, and would go on to influence many competing and similar experiences.
- No negative feedback regarding the accuracy of the maps. In games, the lack of negative feedback regarding my area of ownership was a job well done!
- All of the final maps appeared in the printed Signature Series Strategy Guide by Brady Games.
- Areas for improvement
- The app’s price point was $4.99 for Android and iOS users while free for Windows Phone users. My constructive criticism is the chicken and the egg: use the free-to-play mobile model. Make the app free and it will drive more value, incentive, and use for customers who pay $40-$60 per AAA game.